V-Pro GS3

A machine vision system for inspecting contact lens cosmetics and dimensions, providing high-resolution imaging and manual or automatic optical inspection, aiding in QA digitization.

V-Pro GS3

A machine vision system for inspecting contact lens cosmetics and dimensions, providing high-resolution imaging and manual or automatic optical inspection, aiding in QA digitization.

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22 SEC

Measurement time




Production Stage

V-Pro GS3

Lens types

All types of dry lenses - Otho-K, Scleral, RGP, Toric, aspheric, spheric, segmented etc.
All types of Wet lenses - includes disposable and specialty soft lenses.

Measurement capabilities


V-Pro GS3


Measurement time 
Only images- 22 Analysis - 41
Diameter -/+ 4µm
Absolute power range 
All powers
Cylinder Range 
All cylinders
Operating system 
Windows 10, 11
Operation temperature 
-5 to +45 C°
110-240v AC
Weight (kg)
External dimensions (L x W x H) 
75X33X32 cm


Cutting error
Cutting error
Cutting error
Cutting error
Suction cup
Suction cup
Suction cup
Suction cup
Polish mark
Polish mark
Polish mark
Polish mark
Edge chip
Edge chip
Lathe mark
Lathe mark
Orange peel
Orange peel
Unique benefits of the V-Pro GS3
Digitize final cosmetic inspection data for clear defect visualization on a wide screen.
240 different combinations of illumination, focuses and filters.
Manual or Automatic Optical Inspection.
Go/ no-go decision based on user-define tolerance.

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